Friday, 11 January 2013

Field mushroom risotto

Field mushroom risotto

Field mushroom risotto

Variations on a theme - isn't that what most cooking is about. I am not claiming to be the inventor of new dishes or a food innovator - the only science involved in my culinary habits is pretty much limited to applying heat to food. The mystique that surrounds food, like a lot of creative practice is perpetuated by those who are supposedly there to aid and assist us in our endeavours in the kitchen. We are literally dazzled by the fantastic array of ingredients, the encyclopaedic knowledge of food writers, TV chefs and even food critics - knowledge becomes a weapon with which to bludgeon the less knowing with. We are left feeling a little abashed and unwilling to reveal our limited knowledge we forget to ask - HOW? WHY? WHAT?

French food is surrounded in mystery. One must be classically trained - like a stage actor or a classical musician to understand the exotic terms for the simplest of techniques. This is a system well know to all professionals seeking to differentiate themselves from the masses, as well as receive added remuneration for their brilliance. Think of the law and medicine as two prime examples where comprehension is paramount but somehow language and communication has been lost in favour of gobbledegook. I was proud that my professor at the RCA described my writing as being more from the New Journalism school than the Academe - praise indeed.

So here is a plate of rice or as Italians like to call it Risotto!

Clean and slice 6 field mushrooms
Clean and chop 4 spring onions
Season with salt and pepper - fry together until cooked
Put a handful of dried porcini mushrooms in a cup of boiled water to soak
Bring a large pan of water with Bouillon stock powder to the boil
Heat some olive oil in a saucepan
Measure a cup of rice (enough for 2) and stir into the heated oil
Add a ladle of stock and keep stirring continue until the stock has evaporated
Drain the dried mushrooms once softened and add the liquor to the rice
Chop the dried mushrooms and add to the field mushrooms
Continue with the stock until the rice is cooked how you like it - a little bite but soft and creamy
Add the mushrooms
Check for seasoning remembering that you'll be enshrouding your rice with grated Parmesan - so not too much salt!
Chop a handful of fresh parsley, stir through and serve. 

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